there's something that i've been dying to talk about for months, & the time has finally almost come.
March 2014
in my post about february, i mentioned that steph, bekah, kacy, & i all went to my hotel & had the best night ever...
well, we also tested my water-proof camera for the first time! i got it for christmas last year, but i was always too afraid that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't actually water-proof & that i would ruin it if i used it under water.
good news!
it's water proof.
i need to talk about something STAT.
sister missionaries
yeah, they are all the rage right now; i know. especially living in provo, i get to hear all the tine from boys how unfair it is that their ward ratio of boy:girl is 3:1
i get that you're super stoked on getting married & whatever, but i promise you that if you're doing what you're supposed to, you'll get married to someone that's super awesome, regardless of how big the dating pool is right now.
i just really needed to say that.
sorry, not sorry.
when my sophomore year started, the whole sister missionary craze was in full swing.
9/10 dates that i went on, the conversation went like this:
when did that become something that it was okay to ask somebody on a first date? most of the time, i would respectively tell them that i didn't feel like a mission was what god had in mind for my near future, and watch as their face either fell in disappointment about my apparent lack of desire to serve the lord, or light up at the fact that there was at least one 19 year old girl still left in provo. but every once in awhile (usually if the date wasn't going so well anyway) i would tell them how i really felt about them asking that question. going on a mission, especially for sisters, is such a personal, sacred decision. it is something that is between them & god. it is not something that determines your dedication to god or his work. it is not something that should be done just because all of your friends are doing it. it is not something that should be done just because you don't have anything else going on in your life right now.
it is NOT something that you should look down (or up) at people for doing.
i realize that not everybody else has the same experiences with this as i do. but i have ran into a lot of negativity (from both men & women) about how they feel about all these sisters suddenly jumping on the missionary train.
you know what i think?
i feel this way for both sides. one of the most spiritual & enlightening people i've ever met isn't going on a mission, & that doesn't make her, or anyone else that makes that decision a less righteous individual. we all have missions to serve, but there are a lot of people who are more needed at home.
i am a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. i learn it, i live it, & i freaking love it. i am so proud & excited for every single one of my sisters that have the opportunity to give the world the most important gift that anyone has to offer. i try my hardest to support them & trust that they had many a conversation with god about whether or not they should serve. why would anyone belittle or demean that decision, is beyond me.
& that's all i have to say about that.
when my sophomore year started, the whole sister missionary craze was in full swing.
9/10 dates that i went on, the conversation went like this:
when did that become something that it was okay to ask somebody on a first date? most of the time, i would respectively tell them that i didn't feel like a mission was what god had in mind for my near future, and watch as their face either fell in disappointment about my apparent lack of desire to serve the lord, or light up at the fact that there was at least one 19 year old girl still left in provo. but every once in awhile (usually if the date wasn't going so well anyway) i would tell them how i really felt about them asking that question. going on a mission, especially for sisters, is such a personal, sacred decision. it is something that is between them & god. it is not something that determines your dedication to god or his work. it is not something that should be done just because all of your friends are doing it. it is not something that should be done just because you don't have anything else going on in your life right now.
it is NOT something that you should look down (or up) at people for doing.
i realize that not everybody else has the same experiences with this as i do. but i have ran into a lot of negativity (from both men & women) about how they feel about all these sisters suddenly jumping on the missionary train.
you know what i think?
i feel this way for both sides. one of the most spiritual & enlightening people i've ever met isn't going on a mission, & that doesn't make her, or anyone else that makes that decision a less righteous individual. we all have missions to serve, but there are a lot of people who are more needed at home.
i am a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. i learn it, i live it, & i freaking love it. i am so proud & excited for every single one of my sisters that have the opportunity to give the world the most important gift that anyone has to offer. i try my hardest to support them & trust that they had many a conversation with god about whether or not they should serve. why would anyone belittle or demean that decision, is beyond me.
& that's all i have to say about that.
i started out february being so in love with my new hair colour.
more midnight slc trips with this punk
it snowed & made my stoop so pretty.
so many nights were spent out until...later than i care to admit.
these best people of my life got together and did the best karaoke you'll ever see anywhere.
i felt small & blessed in february.
alex was the best dad & i had HOT krispy kreme for the first time!!!
i went to the temple in feb even more than i went in january
i went to mama j's cutest surprise birthday.
i hung out with some old friends & said goodbye to one of the bests.
plus me & my cute mom
these thuggers showed up the last night that we hung out before cody left with 5 million chicken nuggets + he gave me his turntable + records to take care of while he's gone!
i learned something new.
i had a date with the dentist on valentine's day & got reminded of my jaw surgery that I had 5 years ago in february.
i spent 25% of february incredibly ill & it was the worst.
luckily my french throat lozenges were there to comfort me & my cutest mom had brick oven deliver me some deliiiiish soup, because she was in tooco & couldn't help me. maybe i cried, i was so grateful.
i got the coolest nails that i'll ever have in my entire life from Artisan Hair & Spa.
don't mind my ugliest hands.
then my phone shattered on the ground & i got into a hit-and-run accident, but we won't dwell on that bad stuff.
& i was a part of this best ever hair show! i'm so lucky that i got to work with these cool ladies and learn from them. plus they're super talented at what they do.
one of my co-workers bought the cutest puppy named Finley & are even letting me puppy-sit when they go out of town in april. i cannot wait.
i. am. ob. sessed.
the last day in february was spent with my favourite people in this entire world. we went hot-tubbing, & out to din-din, & the soda shop & got to stay at the hotel which is always a fun treat! i am so blessed that these cute girls are a part of my life & deal with my crazy stories and weird desires to eat cheez-its at 1 AM.
i also finally used my underwater camera, so i'll post about that fun time some time this week...