i started out february being so in love with my new hair colour.
more midnight slc trips with this punk
it snowed & made my stoop so pretty.
so many nights were spent out until...later than i care to admit.
these best people of my life got together and did the best karaoke you'll ever see anywhere.
i felt small & blessed in february.
alex was the best dad & i had HOT krispy kreme for the first time!!!
i went to the temple in feb even more than i went in january
i went to mama j's cutest surprise birthday.
i hung out with some old friends & said goodbye to one of the bests.
plus me & my cute mom
these thuggers showed up the last night that we hung out before cody left with 5 million chicken nuggets + he gave me his turntable + records to take care of while he's gone!
i learned something new.
i had a date with the dentist on valentine's day & got reminded of my jaw surgery that I had 5 years ago in february.
i spent 25% of february incredibly ill & it was the worst.
luckily my french throat lozenges were there to comfort me & my cutest mom had brick oven deliver me some deliiiiish soup, because she was in tooco & couldn't help me. maybe i cried, i was so grateful.
i got the coolest nails that i'll ever have in my entire life from Artisan Hair & Spa.
don't mind my ugliest hands.
then my phone shattered on the ground & i got into a hit-and-run accident, but we won't dwell on that bad stuff.
& i was a part of this best ever hair show! i'm so lucky that i got to work with these cool ladies and learn from them. plus they're super talented at what they do.
one of my co-workers bought the cutest puppy named Finley & are even letting me puppy-sit when they go out of town in april. i cannot wait.
i. am. ob. sessed.
the last day in february was spent with my favourite people in this entire world. we went hot-tubbing, & out to din-din, & the soda shop & got to stay at the hotel which is always a fun treat! i am so blessed that these cute girls are a part of my life & deal with my crazy stories and weird desires to eat cheez-its at 1 AM.
i also finally used my underwater camera, so i'll post about that fun time some time this week...
As always, you're creative, witty, sentimental, fierce, and sweet. Love this AND you.