i need to talk about something STAT.

sister missionaries

yeah, they are all the rage right now; i know. especially living in provo, i get to hear all the tine from boys how unfair it is that their ward ratio of boy:girl is 3:1


i get that you're super stoked on getting married & whatever, but i promise you that if you're doing what you're supposed to, you'll get married to someone that's super awesome, regardless of how big the dating pool is right now.

i just really needed to say that.

sorry, not sorry.


when my sophomore year started, the whole sister missionary craze was in full swing.

9/10 dates that i went on, the conversation went like this:


when did that become something that it was okay to ask somebody on a first date? most of the time, i would respectively tell them that i didn't feel like a mission was what god had in mind for my near future, and watch as their face either fell in disappointment about my apparent lack of desire to serve the lord, or light up at the fact that there was at least one 19 year old girl still left in provo. but every once in awhile (usually if the date wasn't going so well anyway) i would tell them how i really felt about them asking that question. going on a mission, especially for sisters, is such a personal, sacred decision. it is something that is between them & god. it is not something that determines your dedication to god or his work. it is not something that should be done just because all of your friends are doing it. it is not something that should be done just because you don't have anything else going on in your life right now.
it is NOT something that you should look down (or up) at people for doing. 

i realize that not everybody else has the same experiences with this as i do. but i have ran into a lot of negativity (from both men & women) about how they feel about all these sisters suddenly jumping on the missionary train. 

you know what i think? 


i feel this way for both sides. one of the most spiritual & enlightening people i've ever met isn't going on a mission, & that doesn't make her, or anyone else that makes that decision a less righteous individual. we all have missions to serve, but there are a lot of people who are more needed at home.

i am a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. i learn it, i live it, & i freaking love it. i am so proud & excited for every single one of my sisters that have the opportunity to give the world the most important gift that anyone has to offer. i try my hardest to support them & trust that they had many a conversation with god about whether or not they should serve. why would anyone belittle or demean that decision, is beyond me. 

& that's all i have to say about that.

just another blog post about that one thing that everyone blogs about

Posted on

Sunday, March 9

1 Comment
  1. You're going to be awesome and amazing.....for all of the reasons you listed, and then some. I'm going to miss you so much, but there is nothing I would rather miss you more for.

