February 2013

so...this happened about a month ago, but i never blogged about it.
this is my real life. i can't even believe it still.
holy cow.

i haven't been on an airplane since...the summer after my sixth grade year.
i went to visit my auntie in san diego.

it was the greatest.

and she is actually also the reason that i will be going on this fabulous trip!

i had this crazy dream the other night that i had a connecting flight in SoCal for some reason...but i missed the flight out of salt lake so my sister had to drive me to california so i could make the rest of my trip. it was so weird. i'm already having stress dreams about it and it's not even until june!

my aunt karine married this great guy named georgios. georgios is a greek native and had a brother named christos that has made his home in melun, france.

christos owns a clothing boutique. (a clothing boutique in france? really?!) he has a wife and three children. i'm so excited to get to live with them and am so grateful that they are  willing to open up their home to me! what an incredible opportunity!

melun is this cute little country-side suburb of paris. kind of like what sandy is to salt lake...except less busy. so maybe...like stansbury park from salt lake! i'll be staying in this adorable brick house...

and basically down the street is one of france's most famous castles, "Château de Fontainbleau"

i'm so excited. seriously. so excited to eat at so many patisseries, to take a picture with the eiffel tower, to look at the mona lisa (ah!), to walk down cobblestone streets that are lined with beautifully flowered trees, to fall in love with the people and the language, to visit a foreign LDS church weekly, to  live, love, and learn. 

i can't wait.


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Friday, February 22

"The thing about us that will make us unlike anyone else,
is that we were built on a foundation of sadness,
and on a foundation of struggle, on endurance.
Our love grew through the hardest times.
We are the new growth after the fire has cleared the forest,
pushing through the ashes of the life that lived before us
and starting new. We are the uncurling fern,
wrapped tight upon ourselves, slowly showing the world and
the light above that is filtering through the clouds,
our arms outstretched.
We are built on singed remains
of silent secrets that we finally set fire to.
We are the virgin stems and unspoiled leaves,
We are the green beating hearts inside new growth.
The sound of our heart's beat echoes across the charred
and empty wasteland of all that's been burned down.
The thing bout us, is that we will never stop growing.
As we burst slowly into the blue skies
like explosions in slow motion, our fingers like vines
will wrap around each other and twisted we will reach
for the light above.
In this twist and in this share spiral upwards,
we grow strong.
We will be the contrast, the green against black and grey,
the new against the shining and crumbling pieces of old.
The burning of our wait and the
metamorphosis that shows all the others
the colors we've been hiding;
the life that only the flames
could produce."


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Tuesday, February 19

lasted a whole week for me.

it's a thing.

Valentine's Day

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Monday, February 18