i came home from...somewhere...and m and k had started making this delish lunch.

m made some homemade spaghetti sauce, made some homemade garlic bread, bought some martinelli's, and k and i...helped where necessary.

actually now that i remember, k made that salad.

and i made that chicken! and it was super great. i don't think anybody really gets how much i love my roommates and how there is no coincidence that we were brought together for this portion of our lives. we were actually talking about that earlier today.

life is fine. just working too much and going to school.

it's thanksgiving soon, and i guess i'm kind of excited for that. i'm working on it though, so maybe i'm not excited. i'm not quite sure. we will find out.

once upon a time...

Posted on

Wednesday, November 21

1 Comment
  1. I hope you had a good time out at your auntie's. It was good to see you. Tell your roomies I'm so grateful for them, K?
